I thought of something to blog about, kind of silly. But here goes...
I can't seem to taste anything salty. Last night I made homemade soup and I thought that I just hadn't added enough salt to it, but even after adding more salt to it, it still tasted bland. I didn't think much more of it until today. I had nachos at work and usually they are way too salty for me. I typically only eat a few of them and then throw them away. But... they tasted so bland to me. The chips tasted like they had no salt on them.
I came home from work and had some of the leftover soup and some crackers, if I hadn't actually seen the salt on the crackers I would've thought I had bought unsalted ones. It is kind of pointless to eat if food is going to taste really super bland to me. I haven't felt good all day, so I don't know if that's what the problem is or if my taste buds are on the fritz. Whatever it is, it's very annoying.
We'll see how it is tomorrow. Hopefully everything will taste fine.
If you go a while without eating any salt or very limited salt, you will begin to taste it again. I hardly cook with any salt at all, and it never tastes bland because we're use to it. But we got fries from mcdonalds a while and they tasted so salty it made me feel sick!!! Just make sure to use alot of other seasonings to replace the salt! And cutting back on salt can make you lose water weight!!! Salt and Water stick together!